Become a Park Steward
Join our incredible network of park stewards! Our park stewards are invaluable to the success, upkeep, and safety of the park. Apply below and a member of our board with reach out directly to chat further.
Steward Duties
Stop at the police station to pick up the blower battery. They are to the right of the window on the left after entering through both sets of double doors.
Overview of the park as you enter.
Don your vest. Open the shed, and return the key immediately to the lock box.
Sign in to the journal on the table with the time of your shift, and note the approximate current usage of the park.
Line a 5 gallon bucket with a garbage can liner and bungie cord.
Patrol the large and small dog enclosures with the pooper scooper and 5 gallon bucket. You might leave the bucket in an activity area while attending to other duties.
Note the status of the mutt mitt containers.
Note any other issues or concerns in the park.
With the Mutt Mitt key, and stock from the shed, fill the dispensers as needed.
Using a blower, “sweep” the entry area, apron, fountains, sidewalks, and pathways as needed.
Rake any stone areas as needed.
Dispose of the trash can liner in the Nauset Disposal dog waste container.
Return all equipment to the shed; including the Mutt Mitt key.
Complete the daily shift journal. Note any issues, and particularly the number of poops picked up in each area. Be cryptic.
Close and lock the shed.
Return the key to the lock box again and secure it.
Report any issues or questions to the appropriate contact.
Depart, returning the battery to the charger at the police station.
Be an Ambassador
We are most hopeful that all Stewards will be Ambassadors. However, any regular visitor to the park may participate in the Ambassador program. This will greatly expand a “leadership” presence in the park throughout the day. This should help us with the development of a strong, positive, responsible culture by our visitors. The Brewster Dog Park can be the flagship for best practices with respect to the operation and maintenance of a “World Class” dog park. Our Stewards and Ambassadors are the back bone and an integral part of this program.
Get an overview of the park as you enter.
Don your vest. Wear it whenever you are at the dog park.
Bring your dog(s) to enjoy the park with you.
Role model the rules as you enter, utilize, and exit the park.
As you enter, get the horn from the orange box, which is attached to the fence adjacent to the rules sign, in the section you are using, and have it with you in the park.
Welcome the visitors. Ask if anyone has any questions.
Gently educate and encourage compliancy with the rules.
Carry an extra Mutt Mitt with you, so you can give it to a visitor, who may need one.
Return the horn to the orange box as you leave the park.
Report any issues, or concerns to the appropriate contact.