My name is: Peanut, because my dad felt like other names were much too serious for a fun loving puppy like me
My breed is: Laggotto Romagnolo, Italian Water Dog! An original breed
Age: 2
I live in: Brewster
My nickname/s are: "Nut", "Little nut", "Wing nut", any "nut" derivative is fair
My hoomans are: Don Poole and Dawn Sternlieb
My favorite thing about the Brewster Dog Park is: running off leash with my buddies
My best friend at the park is: Molly, but Guru is fun, Ocho plays well for a big guy, Ralph is a hoot, too
A fun fact about me: My breed is trained to hunt truffles. Cape Cod is not known for truffles
My hoomans say that my most endearing quality is: Me!
My favorite toy is: Balls, it's all about balls, any size balls
If (blank) was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist: Chasing balls
My guilty pleasure is: Picking stuff off the table to chew on. I like plastic.
You can usually find me at the park: After my dad is done with work, out twice on weekends and holidays! I’m a daily visitor.
Anything else we should know about you? I'm a fun loving pup, you can see it when I walk, run, play. Also, I have to get shaved every 2 months, but I love my 'carrot' tail!
Thank you Peanut, Don, Dawn, and your business Outermost Land Survey, for your generous sponsorship of a new shade tree in the park!