My name is: Homer, because my Dad is half Greek. Plus, I went on my own odyssey to get here, all the way from Mississippi!
My breed is: Beagle, Lab, Havanese, Pomeranian, Small Poodle, Mini Schnauzer, Cocker Spaniel - I'm a true "supermutt!"
Age: 2.5
I live in: Brewster
My nicknames are: Homie, Miro, to moró (in Greek it means: "the baby")
My hoomans’ names are: Katie & Evan Gregoire (my mom is also a park steward!)
My favorite thing about the Brewster Dog Park is: Digging and playing in the sand pit
A fun fact about me: I "dance" on my hind legs when I want attention
My hoomans say that my most endearing quality is: I put myself to bed upstairs every night at exactly 9pm
My favorite toy is: My red ball, or any plushie toy that looks like prey (squirrel, rabbit, chipmunk). I am part hound, after all.
Do you have any special talents? I can talk! Well, when my parents say "I love you!" I can respond with a very convincing set of barks that mimic the phrase.
If (blank) was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist: Unsuccessfully stalking rabbits in my yard
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be: Popcorn
My guilty pleasure is: Tearing up pieces of paper that make their way to the floor
I’m a really good dog, but sometimes I get in trouble for: Dashing outside after rabbits when my family opens the back screen door
You can usually find me at the park: Midday when my Mom takes her lunch break from work
Anything else we should know? I am forever grateful to the Cape Cod rescue organization that found me my forever home. They are called the Animal Rescue Front and they work in Mississippi and Louisiana to transport dogs and cats in need to forever homes in the Northeast.