The Friends of Brewster Dog Park are seeking a few passionate, community-minded individuals to help shape the park’s future.
About The Friends of Brewster Dog Park (“Friends”)
The “Friends” is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group dedicated to creating, maintaining, and providing stewardship for the Brewster Dog Park. We work closely with the Town to provide a safe, year-round, handicapped accessible, beautiful dog park, open to the public free of charge; a place where our community of dogs (and dog people) can play, stretch their legs, and socialize with other four-legged friends and people!
Board Members
The Friends of Brewster Dog Park Board of Directors is seeking qualified candidates to join the Board. The commitment includes:
One monthly Zoom meeting and occasional related meetings with Town Officials
Participating in strategic planning for the park
Developing fundraising strategies
Helping plan and participate in occasional special events
Staying informed about matters concerning the park
Shaping policy regarding rules and regulations, and best practices for educating patrons
Developing marketing strategies
Helping recruit volunteer Stewards and Ambassadors
Acting as an ambassador for the park and actively promoting it within our community
With just a few hours each month, you can play a key role in keeping the Brewster Dog Park “best in show”!
We are also seeking a Board Secretary. In addition to the board member commitments, this position includes recording meeting minutes and distributing them to Board members following each meeting.
Flea Market Manager

The “Friends” run a seasonal flea market at Drummer Boy Park in Brewster from mid-June through August. There are 11 markets planned for 2024, running on Tuesdays from June 18-August 20 (weather permitting). All vendor fees benefit the park. The market is a significant fundraiser for the “Friends”, and always has room to grow! We are seeking a volunteer to take the lead role in coordinating the 2024 market. The commitment involves:
Reaching out to previous vendors and seeking new vendors in advance of the summer market
Working with our Board and marketing team to identify ways to recruit vendors and publicize the market
Serving as the liaison to vendors; communicating to them if a market is cancelled due to rain
Chalk marking vendor spaces the day before each market and putting up the banners and sandwich board
Being the on-site contact for vendors each week: checking in vendors, assigning them to their spaces and collecting their vendor fees.
Option to sell Friends of Brewster Dog Park gear at any of the markets to raise additional funds for the dog park
This role could be split among more than one person.
The markets are a fun opportunity to engage with the community. This will be our third year running the market, so we’ll work with you to make sure you’re thoroughly prepared.
If you’re interested in any of the above positions, please email us at friendsofbrewsterdogpark@gmail.com. If inquiring about a Board position, please tell us a little about yourself and how you’d like to contribute to the park! Be sure to include your contact information.