Important Health Tips from Brewster Veterinary Hospital
As we "fall" into the new season, your friends at Brewster Vet want to remind you that with change in season also comes change in risks to our pets!
With sweater weather comes wetter weather, which tends to bring an uptick in a pathogen called Leptospirosis (Lepto), which Brewster Vet saw 5 cases of during the fall of 2020.
Not so fun-facts about Lepto:
It is a zoonotic disease (can be transferred from animal to human)
It is spread through the urine of infected animals (wild to domestic, domestic to domestic)
It can survive for months in wet soil and bodies of water
Symptoms of Lepto:
Loss of appetite
Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes, skin, and gums)
Difficulty breathing
Drinking and urinating a lot
Elevated heart rate
Red eyes
Runny nose
Liver or kidney failure
We recommend talking to your primary vet about the Lepto vaccine, as well as the risks for Lepto in your area.
Other safety reminders:
"Icky ticky" season is YEAR-ROUND! We recommend using year round heartworm and flea and tick preventative for your fuzzy family to ensure they're protected at all times.
Those cool looking mushrooms? They're probably not the coolest to eat. Please keep an eye on your fur kids to ensure they don't ingest potentially toxic mushrooms! If you think your pet has potentially eaten a poisonous mushroom, please contact your veterinarian and have poison controls information handy. Poison Control: 888-426-4436.